What we do
We teach our boys everything from the bullet to the field dressing. Supplying them with all the equipment and clothing for the hunt.
Grow in Faith
Every time we hold a big event, we have devotions led by their guides. Teaching them the Gospel and the love of Christ.
Live like Godly Men
Every event, hunt, or encounter with our boys we make sure we are teaching them how to be strong, respectful, and God fearing.
Photo Gallery
The first year of hunts
Hunt for the Gospel
To teach youth about the Gospel and the love of Christ through hunting and the outdoors
There is a need in our community and communities like ours, for men to teach and lead boys as well as show them what it is to be a Godly man. We use hunting as a platform to do this in our community because it's something that we enjoy and have a true passion for. We are hoping that we can lead new generations into the outdoors and Christ.
What we do:
We take youth into God's great outdoors to teach them how to hunt not only for deer but for the of the Bible. Each child will have a guide who takes them on a hunt, prays with them, and teaches them how to be a Godly man. Hunt for the Gospel has monthly meetings such as bow shoots, range days, fishing trips, and many more. We provide each child with the gear needed to have a successful hunt.
3684 W KY 10
Tollesboro, Ky 41189
Jake Ratliff: 317-410-6293
Josh Hawkins: 606-748-3771